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About the Artist

Megan Cunninghame is a Media Studies student at the University of Colorado and - more importantly - a long-time lover of art and creativity. Megan first started pursuing art seriously her Sophomore year of college when she bought $50 worth of acrylic paint at Michael's and forced herself to learn how to paint. She used those supplies to create a simple, little sunset, which inspired her to become a better artist. Over the course of the last two years, Megan has continued to develop her art skills through a mixture of self-taught lessons and painting classes at CU. During this time, she also started working with other mediums and practices, such as drawing, pottery, and photography. 


Although she draws inspiration from many different areas of her life, Megan has a special connection to music. As a life-long pianist and song-writer, she holds a deep appreciation for music and how it connects to visual art. The artist uses lyrics, album covers, music videos, and more to directly inspire her own art. Musicians such as Hozier and the Lumineers have had an especially significant influence on her paintings. 


Artist: Raine Hozier-Byrne

Moving forward, Megan hopes to combine her passions in media and painting by creating more digital art. Over the past few months, the pandemic has made it difficult to connect with others in a personal and meaningful way. As the world becomes increasingly isolated, the need for digital connection is more important than ever before. Megan hopes to use her art to create that connection for herself and others.

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