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Final Project Statement

For my final project, I wanted to create something that was fun, engaging, and colorful. I decided to create a personality quiz with a twist. A quiz that asks the question: Who are you REALLY?

At first, I wanted to create a quiz that makes fun of the importance we place on personality quizzes like "What Hogwarts House Are You?" I may have liked the idea enough to devote two answers to this notion, but I couldn't, in good faith, base my entire project on the intellectual property created by She Who Shall Not Be Named.

Next, I decided to create a spirit animal quiz that played on our preconceived notions of what a non-communicative creature REALLY represents. A puppy that's doomed to a short, painful existence. A fish that pretends to be a skinny whale. A buffalo who skips class to smoke weed.

In the end, I created a personality quiz that never takes you on the path you expect it to take. Did you expect to uncover childhood trauma while taking a personality quiz? No. Did you expect to get virtually dunked on for saying your favorite celebrity was Jake Paul? No (but you definitely deserved it). Did you expect your spirit animal to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? No. But at least you had fun, right?

At this point, you may be asking: "Megan, who are YOU really?" Well...

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