"Escape to the Sea" is a piece about yearning for a more peaceful time.
The first part of the soundscape has our protagonist sitting by the water. She is at peace, she is happy. But before she knows it, that part of her life is over and she's suddenly thrust into city life.
Once she is separated from her life by the water, she becomes overwhelmed by the unnatural reality of living in a city. As she bikes around, she becomes lost in thought, briefly being transported back to when she was by the water, back when she was happy. Then she is taken back into reality. While standing in the elevator, her mind drifts off again, the monotonous elevator music blending into the sound of the sea. Once again, she is forced back into reality. In her apartment, she is surrounded by sounds of water - from leaking faucets to old dishwashers - artificial remembrances of the life she once had. It can almost bring her joy. Almost.
Our protagonist is overwhelmed by the artificiality of her new life and longs for nothing more than to go back to happiness. She tries to meditate to force out her negative thoughts. She tries to focus on the past, not the current or the future.
At the end of the soundscape, our protagonist finally drowns out the noises and reconnects to her past happiness. But even that is temporary, artificial, as the soundscape ends with a harrowing slam of a door.
"Escape to the Sea" features a character who is constantly running from emotions, trying to run back in time. However, creating this piece helped me channel so many of my own emotions into sound. If anyone gets anything from "Escape to the Sea," I hope they can use it to connect with their own emotions, not to distract themselves from them.